Friday, November 29, 2013

Texting is one of the harmless little methods to converse and mostly teens find it to be one of the coolest ways. But this harmless looking cheap and cute way of communication can prove to be one of the deadliest things if not handled cautiously.

Texting has not just replaced the phone calls but has even overtaken the simple person to person interaction. Even when this new world’s popular communication system appears interesting, exciting, and really posh, it does have certain flaws. Especially when the people in communication are kids as excessive of texting results in faulty language and spelling errors.
Sadly, damages done to the language and personality are not the only ones that continuous texting does to teens. Monitoring kids’ cell phone text messages become important in order to avoid all kinds of issues and damages.

Below you have three important areas where monitoring will help you the best.

Text messages introduces you to your child’s friends

Kids with weird language and twisted spellings can still be helped but you can hardly help the kids with wrong friends. Your child may befriend criminals selling drugs and weapons in school backyards or those who hack their teachers’ computers to get the question papers before the examination. Tracking your text messages will give you a better picture of the people in your child’s friend circle. May be your child also interacts with complete strangers from the Internet, by reading the text messages you’ll know who your child actually communicates with.

Text messages introduces what kids generally talk about

Is it the latest fashion or the movie that’s a blockbuster hit at the box-office or a fest at your child’s sports club that your child generally talks about? Whether it appears funny or it is completely illogical and silly, you need to read your child’s text messages to know what things are the general topics among the teens and what things your child is involved in. You can make out if your child talks about all kinds of profane stuffs and gets involved in damaging communication. Tracking will let you know a lot about your child’s everyday communication habits. Besides swear words and slangs, your child’s conversation may also involve explicit stuffs. You need to know it all or your child will soon lose the track.

You know what secret things are happening in your child’s life

Things that your child discusses through the cell phone text messages also reveals various things that you never get to know otherwise; say,  your child has a secret date with some guy she knows through the social networking site. Obviously, she’ll not tell you about it; checking the text messages will surely reveal the truth when your child decides the venue and time through the text messages.Maybe it is your son planning to meet a drug peddler at school canteen and he’s deciding the time through the text messages; reading his message will make it clear for you.

How you’re going to monitor text messages the best way?

This can be a million dollar question! If you simply pick up your child’s phone just to check the messages or you decide to go a step further and read the content of the messages; the chances would be that either your child has already deleted away the messages.

So, give up the idea of manually monitoring kids’ cell phone text messages and go for some better alternative. One of the alternatives that really work well is to take help of technology and use some special app for the purpose. Markets are already flooding with various cell phone monitoring apps, you’ll simply have to pick up one of them, which best suits your purpose and works the best for you and install it on your child’s device. It will keep you aware of each and every text message landing in your child’s phone with proper date and time stamp telling you when exactly the message was sent or received and this works even when your child deletes away the message from the phone. You’ll even be able to read the messages without accessing the phone physically. So, your kids won’t know that you already know about what’s happening in their lives and all the communication they participate in through text messages and even through other channels like chat-messengers or Internet as your app will give you complete access to your child’s phone!

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